ACCEL 2021 Distinguished Speaker Address: Can climate litigation save the planet?: the role of climate attribution science

ACCEL 2021 Distinguished Speaker Address - Can climate litigation save the planet?: the role of climate attribution scienceSpeakers: Dr Petra Minnerop, Durham University and Dr Friederike Otto, University of Oxford and Global Climate Science Programme Litigants are increasingly approaching the courts in the face of inadequate action by governments and corporations on climate change. Plaintiffs want […]

Sharma: The future of climate litigation in Australia

Sharma: The future of climate litigation in AustraliaThe Australian Centre for Climate and Environmental Law (ACCEL) invites you to a panel discussion on the Sharma decision and its impact on future climate litigation. This panel, chaired by the ACCEL interns, will be the inaugural ACCEL NextGen Series event. You will hear from those directly involved […]

Climate change – adaptation – resilience – Sydney Law School has a Plan!

Law Lounge, Level 1

Climate change – adaptation – resilience – Sydney Law School has a Plan!In-person event An event to mark World Disaster Day 2022 Book launch and art exhibition: Professor Mary Crock Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of NSW, will launch Professor Mary Crock’s (Sydney Law School) first illustrated children’s book and the […]

ACCEL NextGen Series: Realism in the Corporate Sphere – Greenwashing and Net Zero

Law Lounge, Level 1

ACCEL NextGen Series: Realism in the Corporate Sphere – Greenwashing and Net ZeroTHIS EVENT IS BEING HELD ONLINE AND IN-PERSON AT SYDNEY LAW SCHOOL. The Australian Centre for Climate and Environmental Law invites you to a panel discussion on the Australian Centre for Corporate Responsibility’s case against Santos. Developed and chaired by the ACCEL interns, […]

Building resilience in Australia’s electricity infrastructure

Building resilience in Australia’s electricity infrastructureOnline conference Australia has been hit by successive extreme weather events and disasters in recent years. As the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report has warned this is going to get worse. Australia has already warmed by 1.4° C. Each of the climate-induced disasters – floods and bushfires – has had a […]

Climate litigation against companies in a comparative perspective

The University of Sydney Law School, Boardroom, Level 4, New Law Building F10

Climate litigation against companies in a comparative perspectiveIn-person event In this seminar, Prof M Marc-Philippe Weller (Heidelberg University) takes the spectacular 2021 Milieudefensie v Shell ruling from a first instance court in The Hague as an opportunity to identify cross-jurisdictional problems of civil climate change litigation from a comparative perspective. The Shell case was the first climate […]

Federal Environmental Law reform: past lessons, priority reforms, future challenges

Federal Environmental Law reform: past lessons, priority reforms, future challengesThe Australian Centre for Climate and Environmental Law at Sydney Law School invites you to its ‘Environmental Law Year in Review Conference’ on Tuesday, 14 February 2023. In 2022, the new Federal Government declared ‘the environment is back’ and took office with an ambitious reform agenda […]

Report launch | The risks of oil and gas development for human health and wellbeing: A synthesis of evidence and the implications for Australia.

Law Foyer, Level 2

Report launch | The risks of oil and gas development for human health and wellbeing: A synthesis of evidence and the implications for Australia In-person event This launch event will highlight the significance of the new report “The risks of oil and gas development for human health and wellbeing: A synthesis of evidence and the implications […]

2023 ACCEL Distinguished Speaker Address: Human rights, climate justice and the UN Acceleration Agenda

Law Lounge, Level 1

2023 ACCEL Distinguished Speaker Address: Human rights, climate justice and the UN Acceleration AgendaIn-person event The United Nations Secretary-General’s Acceleration Agenda spells out the actions needed from government, business and finance leaders to accelerate their efforts to deeply cut emissions and deliver climate justice to protect lives and livelihoods. In the context of climate justice and […]


2024 ACCEL Environmental Law Year in Review: Spotlighting Climate Change, Nature Repair, Transport, and Greenwashing

2024 ACCEL Environmental Law Year in Review: Spotlighting Climate Change, Nature Repair, Transport, and GreenwashingThe Australian Centre for Climate and Environmental Law at Sydney Law School invites you to its Environmental Law Year in Review Conference on 8 March 2024. In Australia and around the world, 2023 was a significant year for climate and environmental […]

Re-imagining the laws of nature – storying the rules of hyperconnected futures

Re-imagining the laws of nature – storying rules of hyperconnected futuresOnline event In this seminar, Dr Michelle Lim, Sydney Law School’s George Flannery Fellow, argues that rewriting legal systems to include more-than-human perspectives and employing creative writing in legal scholarship can help address global biodiversity loss, reimagine law, and foster hopeful, normalised human-nature relationships. Each […]