Myths, Misconceptions and Mixed Messages: An Early Look at the New Tendency and Coincidence Evidence Provisions

2022-23 Criminal Law CPD Series:Myths, Misconceptions and Mixed Messages: An Early Look at the New Tendency and Coincidence Evidence Provisions Substantive Law CPD Points: 1.5 About Following the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Uniform Evidence Law jurisdictions are implementing reforms to the tendency and coincidence evidence provisions. These reforms aim to […]

Let’s Talk About Corporations: A New Series of Boardroom Conversations 2023

Law Lounge, Level 1

Let’s Talk About Corporations: A New Series of Boardroom Conversations 2023Hybrid Event Launch Event Join us as we launch ‘Let’s Talk About Corporations’: A New Series of Boardroom Conversations 2023, featuring a keynote address by Professor Rod Sims AO (Crawford School of Public Police, Australian National University). This new seminar series is a collaboration between academics at […]

Advocacy in the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal

2022-23 Criminal Law CPD Series:Advocacy in the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal Professional Skills CPD Points: 1.5 About Appearing in the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal can be an intimidating prospect. Seeking leave, applications brought out of time, questions of law, questions of fact, mixed questions: senior criminal law barrister John Stratton SC will consider these issues and […]

Federal Environmental Law reform: past lessons, priority reforms, future challenges

Federal Environmental Law reform: past lessons, priority reforms, future challengesThe Australian Centre for Climate and Environmental Law at Sydney Law School invites you to its ‘Environmental Law Year in Review Conference’ on Tuesday, 14 February 2023. In 2022, the new Federal Government declared ‘the environment is back’ and took office with an ambitious reform agenda […]

Works-in-Progress Conference

Camperdown Campus – venue to be confirmed

Works-in-Progress ConferenceHybrid Event Works-in-Progress Event On Thursday, 16 February, the Sydney Centre for International Law hosts its first-ever works-in-progress conference in association with its annual International Year in Review conference.  This hybrid afternoon event features authors from around the world workshopping papers dealing with the situation in Ukraine and interstate dispute settlement (ISDS), two topics […]

2023 George Winterton Memorial Lecture

Supreme Court of NSW

2023 George Winterton Memorial Lecture: Judicial review of legislative and executive action – acceptance and resentment – lessons from a comparative perspective.Speaker: The Honourable Susan Kiefel AC, Chief Justice of Australia In-person event The George Winterton Memorial Lecture was established to commemorate the outstanding and lasting contribution of Professor George Winterton to constitutional law scholarship and […]

The Living Law of Wikipedia

Common Room, Level 4, Sydney Law School

The Living Law of WikipediaIn-person event   Wikipedia offers (yet) another example of a scheme of ‘private ordering’, regulation and governance that works largely outside of state law. Its institutions and procedures show strong resemblances to those found in legal systems generally.  But what may distinguish Wikipedia ( or what some Wikipedians claim does so) […]

LGBTQ organising in the new protest environment – book launch and panel discussion

Common Room, Level 4, Sydney Law School

Book launch and panel discussion: LGBTQ organising in the new protest environmentIn-person event The use of public space for recreation and protest remains hotly contested, as reactions to anti-protest legislation in NSW and other Australian jurisdictions show. 2023 marks a decade since a case of police excessive force at the 2013 Sydney Gay and Lesbian […]

Gender persecution: New frontiers in international criminal law

Law Lounge, Level 1

Gender persecution: New frontiers in international criminal lawIn-person event   The Sydney Centre for International Law warmly invites Sydney Law School staff, students and external guests to this conversation on the crime against humanity of ‘gender persecution’, which is currently being prosecuted for the first time in the International Criminal Court. This event is free […]

Beyond Punishment Seminar: Transforming rehabilitation through digital technology

Law Foyer, Level 2

Beyond Punishment Seminar: Transforming rehabilitation through digital technologyIn-person event Institutions of criminal justice are not isolated from broader trends in society – and developments in the application of technologies in prisons have made it important to reconsider the role of digital technologies in rehabilitation. What is the role of digital technologies in the context of […]

Conflict-of-norms in the information society: national security and cross-border data flow

Conflict-of-norms in the information society: national security and cross-border data flowOnline event National security has increasingly become a concern for cross-border data flow. In this panel discussion, we will survey the conflicts and potential collaboration between protecting national security and enhancing digital trade. Our distinguished panel will cover relevant laws and practices in big (the […]

Development of the Common Law by Analogy to Statute

Law Lounge, Level 1

Ross Parsons Centre Law and Business seminar: Development of the common law by analogy to statuteIn-person event In recent decades the importance of statute within Australian law has increased enormously. Legislation has proliferated in size, number and scope; and many of these statutes contain underlying policies, values and ideas which the common law is capable […]