Business Compliance in International Commercial Transactions across Asia Pacific

New Law Building (F10)

Business Compliance in International Commercial Transactions across Asia PacificThis international conference will be held on 21 February 2024 at The University of Sydney Law School.  The year 2024 marks the thirtieth anniversary of the Shanghai Winter School program, offered by the University of Sydney Law School in collaboration with the East China University of Political […]

Unilateralism in (International) Economic Law: the Case of Special Economic Zones

Unilateralism in (International) Economic Law: the Case of Special Economic Zones The international economic regime has entered a new phase of reassertion of sovereignty by States. This phase is especially prominent amid the COVID-19 pandemic. While States continue to show respect for the values of international (economic) law, the institutionalization of these values has devolved […]

Private International Law and Intellectual Property: the ILA Kyoto Guidelines

Private International Law and Intellectual Property: the ILA Kyoto GuidelinesIn 2020, the 79th Conference of the International Law Association passed the Resolution 6/2020 and adopted the Guidelines on Intellectual Property and Private International Law (‘Kyoto Guidelines’). The Guidelines are part of international efforts to establish a cooperative global system for jurisdiction, choice of law, and […]

Cross-border flow of personal data: globalized Internet and fragmented (inter)national regulations

Cross-border flow of personal data: globalized Internet and fragmented (inter)national regulationsPersonal data is the fuel of the digital economy. However, in the globalised world of personal data being used over the Internet, there is a lack of harmonized international governance mechanisms. A typical example is the ideological, legal and functional divergence in data regulations between […]