JSI Seminar: Politics all the way down? A qualified defence of critical legal theory

Common Room, Level 4, Sydney Law School

JSI Seminar: Politics all the way down? A qualified defence of critical legal theoryIn-person event   In this talk, Dr Ntina Tzouvala sets out to defend the potential for legal theory of what Edward Said called ‘contrapuntal reading’, Louis Althusser (drawing from Jacques Lacan) described as ‘symptomatic read-ing’, and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick denounced as ‘paranoid […]

JSI Seminar: The life of international law is not logic but experience

Common Room, Level 4, Sydney Law School

JSI Seminar: The life of international law is not logic but experienceIn-person event   U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. famously maintained that “the life of the law has not been logic: it has been experience.” Holmes statement suggests an antecedent question: what is the life of the law? This essay construes this […]

JSI Seminar: Crowdsourcing and artificial intelligence in constitutional courts

Common Room, Level 4, Sydney Law School

JSI Seminar: Crowdsourcing and artificial intelligence in constitutional courtsIn-person event In Judgment SU-151/2020 the Constitutional Court of Colombia rendered its decision on a constitutional complaint of a group of journalists. They claim that in certain criminal cases concerning possible corruption by government officials, prosecutors and judges were unsatisfyingly prohibiting the press to attend public criminal […]

JSI Seminar | Legalizing Assisted Dying: Are We On A Slippery Slope To Involuntary Euthanasia?

Common Room, Level 4, Sydney Law School

JSI Seminar: Legalizing Assisted Dying: Are We On A Slippery Slope To Involuntary Euthanasia?In-person event   On 28 November 2023, the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act will come into effect in NSW. The Act allows ill persons having decision-making capacity, acting voluntary, and with less than six months to live (12 months in the case of a neurogenerative […]

JSI Workshop | Towards a Moralisation of Jurisprudence? Reflections on the Future of Legal Philosophy

JSI Workshop | Towards a Moralisation of Jurisprudence? Reflections on the Future of Legal PhilosophyIn-person event There is a trend in current Anglo-American legal philosophy that is drawing the attention of legal scholars. We could label this trend “The moralisation of jurisprudence”. Its animating idea is as follows: The questions still left open in contemporary […]