Climate extremes on the road to Glasgow

Climate extremes on the road to Glasgow Recent climate-induced extreme weather events and disasters around the world have resulted in loss of life, property, infrastructure and livelihoods and have severely disrupted the normal functioning of the societies which they have impacted. The IPCC’s 2021 Sixth Assessment Report confirms that these events are likely to become more frequent […]

ACCEL 2021 Distinguished Speaker Address: Can climate litigation save the planet?: the role of climate attribution science

ACCEL 2021 Distinguished Speaker Address - Can climate litigation save the planet?: the role of climate attribution scienceSpeakers: Dr Petra Minnerop, Durham University and Dr Friederike Otto, University of Oxford and Global Climate Science Programme Litigants are increasingly approaching the courts in the face of inadequate action by governments and corporations on climate change. Plaintiffs want […]

Building resilience in Australia’s electricity infrastructure

Building resilience in Australia’s electricity infrastructureOnline conference Australia has been hit by successive extreme weather events and disasters in recent years. As the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report has warned this is going to get worse. Australia has already warmed by 1.4° C. Each of the climate-induced disasters – floods and bushfires – has had a […]