Building resilience in Australia’s electricity infrastructure

Building resilience in Australia’s electricity infrastructure

Online conference

Australia has been hit by successive extreme weather events and disasters in recent years. As the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report has warned this is going to get worse. Australia has already warmed by 1.4° C. Each of the climate-induced disasters – floods and bushfires – has had a severe impact on our electricity infrastructure. When power is lost, telecommunications also fail meaning that communities are unable to stay in contact with emergency services and with each other. This conference assesses ways in which our existing grid can be made more resilient but it also looks to the resilience of our future grid in 2040. Experts from the disciplines of law, engineering, and physics, in Australia and the United States, will share their perspectives on how this can be achieved.


Thursday 10 November 2022, 9am-4.30pm AEDT

Click here to view the program.

This event is being held  online. You will receive a Zoom link closer to the date. 


This event is hosted by Sydney Law School and the Sydney Environment Institute at The University of Sydney. 

November 10, 2022 @ 9:00 AM 4:30 PM


