Julius Stone Address: The Legal Experience of Injustice

Camperdown Campus – venue to be confirmed

Julius Stone Address: The Legal Experience of InjusticeIn-person event In The Faces of Injustice, Judith Shklar criticizes the ‘normal model’ of justice which views injustice as ‘a prelude to or a […]

JSI Seminar: The stability of bad things

Common Room, Level 4, Sydney Law School

JSI Seminar: The stability of bad thingsIn-person event   Political philosophers have long been concerned with how best to ensure the stability of social orders. Stability is assumed to be […]

JSI Workshop: Description and evaluation in contemporary jurisprudence

Board Room, Level 4

JSI Workshop: Description and evaluation in contemporary jurisprudenceIn-person event Modern jurisprudence has been tormented by a divide between description and evaluation in legal theory. Proponents argue that the distinction is […]

JSI Seminar: Epistemic privilege and duties of mutual assistance

Common Room, Level 4, Sydney Law School

JSI Seminar: Epistemic privilege and duties of mutual assistanceIn-person event Victims of oppression are sometimes said to have epistemic privilege in virtue of their marginalised social position into the operation […]

The Life and Death of States: Author Meets Readers

Common Room, Level 4, Sydney Law School

The Life and Death of States: Author Meets ReadersIn-person event Natasha Wheatley’s bold new book The Life and Death of States: Central Europe and the Transformation of Modern Sovereignty (Princeton University Press […]

Julius Stone Address: What is political progress?

Lecture Theatre 101, level 1, New Law Building F10A, Campderdown Campus

Julius Stone Address: What is political progress?In-person event   Progress is both a necessary and a dangerous idea. It is necessary if one is striving to improve the way things […]