Ross Parsons Centre Law & Business seminar: Recent Cases on PPSA Fundamentals
This webinar will examine two recent decisions of the Supreme Court of Victoria: Jayfield Pty Ltd v Cussen [2020] VSC 380 and Tasman Logistics Services Pty Ltd v Seaco Global Aust Pty Ltd (2020) 60 VR 252.
Adam Waldman will identify key takeaways concerning the ‘in-substance security interest’, and why whether an interest arises consensually can affect both whether it is such an interest and what priority rules apply to it.
Presenter: Adam Waldman
Adam Waldman is an Associate Lecturer and PhD Candidate at the University of Sydney Law School. His field of research is commercial law, and his thesis focuses upon the interaction between equitable doctrine and the PPSA. Adam has previously worked at a boutique law firm, as a research assistant to counsel in chambers and as a research assistant to a former Supreme Court judge. He has also worked as a researcher at the University of Sydney and the University of New South Wales, in the areas of insolvency, corporations law, and banking and financial law.
Commentator: Nicholas Commins, Associate Hunt & Hunt Lawyers
Webinar via Zoom, Monday 15 March, 6pm AEDT
Once you register, your confirmation will provide the Zoom details.
This seminar is sponsored by the Ross Parsons Centre at Sydney Law School.