
09 – 10 Jul 2021

ECA Symposium in Law and Justice

ECA Symposium in Law and Justice 9 and 10 July 2021

  The University of Sydney Law School is pleased to announce a trial symposium for Early-Career Academics (ECAs) in Law to be held on the mornings of 9 and 10 July 2021. The organisers from Sydney Law School are Dr Jeff Gordon and Dr Ben Chen. As a trial, the Symposium will be open to ECAs in law from Sydney and Canberra. The theme of the symposium is Directions in Australian Legal Methodology. The objective of the symposium is to provide a supportive environment for ECAs to present their work, receive feedback, and meet other ECAs (especially beyond their own institution). The symposium will be held face-to-face or online over two mornings on 9 and 10 July 2021. We plan to have five to eight sessions of 60-90 minutes each. Each session will be chaired by a senior academic. Each speaker will have about 30 minutes to present their paper and answer questions from the audience. We will also invite senior academics and/or practitioners to lead lunchtime discussions on issues and challenges that are of particular interest to ECAs. Cost: There is no registration fee. We only ask the participants to commit to attending all sessions as well as their own. Organisers: Dr Ben Chen and Dr Jeff Gordon, Sydney Law School For any enquiries, contact: